Harpersfield, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the Population & Steets of Harpersfield City, New York? In New York, Harpersfield has a population of 61,338 people, which is about a fifth of the entire state. However, it's not as big as other New York cities. As far as foreign born residents are concerned, there are only about 5,000 living in Harpersfield, and this number only slightly surpasses the rate in Stamford, which is the largest city in the state.

When comparing the percentages of violent crime per thousand people in Harpersfield City, one should keep in mind that the city has few retail establishments. However, crime rates are higher in blocks with few residents. While the violent crime rate map of Harpersfield may look high, residents shouldn't be alarmed if there are no crimes in that neighborhood. Just because a city has a high crime rate doesn't mean it's dangerous, doesn't mean that it's safe.

The census data for Harpersfield, New York, is based on the latest rebased population figures from the U.S. Census Bureau. This means that these numbers reflect the change in the number of residents based on census block data. As for the other information, Harpersfield's borough code has the following ZIP codes: 13786, 13905, and 13601.