Hannacroix, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Have you ever wanted to know the Population & Steets of Hannacroix City, NY? If so, you're not alone! More people are moving to the area every year! It's important to know the demographics of any area before moving to it, as many other people have done. This article will give you some general information about Hannacroix, NY.

The city of Hannacroix, New York has a total of 504 residents, which includes 143 under the age of 20. There are 78 males and 65 females. The median age of residents is 39 years old, and the city has about four births for every death. There are also 499 nonfamily households, which are homes with two to fifty units. There are also single-family homes, row houses, and town homes.

Murder crime rates in Hannacroix City are much lower than in nearby cities. In fact, Hannacroix has a murder rate that is less than one per thousand people, which is well below the US average. This means that residents of this city are far less likely to become victims of crime. This is a great place to live. If you're thinking about moving to Hannacroix, consider this information. You'll be happy you did!