Halesite, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

This page shows the Population & Steets of Halesite City, New York. The most common occupations are education, healthcare, and scientific research. 32% of the city's population works in one of these industries. About 9% of the population works in management. Those in the management field make $136,000 per year, which is $55,000 more than the average New Yorker and $73,445 nationally.

The median property value in Halesite, NY is $611,700, which is 2.54 times higher than the national average. Homeownership rate in Halesite, NY is 90.3%. Residents of Halesite own a home, and commute to work alone on average. There are about 2 cars per household. The city has an average population density of 3,041 people. It is also one of the older cities in the country.

You can see if you can find a hotel, restaurant, or other place to stay in Halesite, NY using the Interactive Map & Street View feature. You can also view the nearest bus stops and train stations. Moovit also allows you to pay for bus or train fares in the app. You'll never have to worry about losing cash or paper tickets. The Halesite, NY bus or train station is right around the corner!

The Population & Steets in Halseite City, NY includes both natives and immigrants. Nearly 80% of the population is US citizens, which is higher than the national average. The population density is also the third highest in the greater Halesite CDP region. It is important to note that there are a number of ethnic groups living in Halesite, including people from the Gulf War era.