Greenhurst, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following statistics show the population and steets of Greenhurst City, New Jersey. The city is relatively safe, and crime is lower than the national average. This map also explains the crime rates by type and severity. Greenhurst ranks in the 93rd percentile, making it slightly safer than the national average. For every 1,000 residents, the city has five crimes, compared to a national average of 3.8 crimes per 1,000.

This data is based on the United States Census Bureau's 2005 U.S. Census Bureau's Bureau of the Census. The town has a population of 390. Greenhurst is located in Chautauqua County, New York. The city has a ZIP code of 14742. If you need to find a zip code, enter "Greenhurst, NY" into US ZIP Code. The city name will be abbreviated, but it isn't uncommon for smaller towns to be listed as well.

The Greenhurst city map shows the racial makeup of the city by area. Each racial group is self-identified, and darker shades of green indicate a larger racial group. For diversity statistics, visit the Greenhurst diversity page. There are two maps - a racial diversity map and a racial diversity score. Greenhurst has a higher diversity score than the surrounding areas.