Glenwood Landing, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

This article will discuss the Population & Steets in Glenwoord Landing City, New York. The data below shows the racial and ethnic composition of the city. Glenwood Landing has slightly higher proportion of married residents than the national average. About 50.8% of people in the city of Glenwood Landing are married. Across the U.S., divorce rates are 10.8%.

According to the United States Census Bureau, the median age of residents in Glenwood Landing City, NY was 45.9 in 2019. The average age for both native and foreign-born residents was 42. The most common birthplace of foreign-born residents in Glenwood Landing was the Dominican Republic with 501,381 people claiming that ancestry. Other ancestries included England, Chinese, Latvian, and Eastern Europe.

The population of Glenwood Landing, NY was 3,779 at the 2010 census. It is a census-designated place and part of the North Shore school district. The race composition of the city's residents is 92.9% white, 0.8% black or african American, 3.7% Asian, and 0.62% Hispanic. As for the racial composition, the majority of residents are White (Non-Hispanic), followed by Black or African-American, and Asian. In terms of ethnic composition, there is a small percentage of Hispanics.

In terms of employment, more people are employed in computer-related industries than in any other industry in Glenwood Landing, NY. Compared to the state average, women earn slightly more than men. While women earn slightly more than men, whites make more than Asian workers. The highest paid race in the state was White, with a 1.03-to-1 ratio. The race-based wage disparity is reflected by the proportion of White workers.