Glenham, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You may be curious about the Population & Steets in Glenam City, SD. If you do, you'll find that the city is comprised of 100 non-Hispanic White residents and 0 black or African American residents. This percentage is slightly higher than the national average of 64.1% and higher than its neighboring geographies. In terms of race and ethnicity, however, Glenham has a relatively even mix of people.

Whether you're interested in statistics for Glenham, SD or just want to know the population, there are several sources of information that you can look into. First, you can look up the zip code. In Glenham, the zip code is 12527. Typically, this area is smaller than many surrounding communities, and there are few neighborhoods in the city that rival it for size. For this reason, the zip code will tell you more about the city's demographics than a map.

As far as the demographics go, the city has a slightly higher than average percentage of college graduates. While the city is mainly made up of small houses and apartments, there are a few high-rise apartment buildings as well. Its median real estate price is $347,620, lower than 42.1% of the rest of New York. Moreover, you'll find a relatively low percentage of vacant homes in this neighborhood.