Garrattsville, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Do you know the Population & Steets in Gar Rattsville City? Are you interested in finding out? If so, you're at the right place. Read on to discover the latest statistics. Listed below are some useful facts about the city. You'll be amazed by what you'll discover! And don't forget to share these statistics with your friends and family!

The population of Garrattsville is approximately 232, with 112 males and 120 females. The median age of the population is 37.0. The median income is $38,560. The median income is $43,500. Garrattsville has a low poverty rate of 2.8 percent, and the city is largely white, with a few minorities. A majority of residents are employed in white-collar positions, with a lower percentage in blue-collar jobs. The population of Garrattsville is predominantly white, with a low percentage of black people and Hispanic residents.

If you are looking for flights to Garrattsville, NY, there are a few options available. There are many major airports in nearby cities. If you'd prefer to fly to a small town that's more convenient, try searching for flights to the nearest airport. This way, you can save money on airfare while visiting Garrattsville, NY. And don't forget to include your own travel plans when looking for flights!

The crime rate in Garrattsville is lower than the national average. Compared to other cities in the nation, the rate of theft per 1,000 residents is 0.34, which is lower than the national average. The southeast portion of Garrattsville has the lowest crime rate, with only three theft crimes per 1,000 residents. This area is the safest for Garrattsville residents, although some neighborhoods have higher crime rates.