Garnerville, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to know the Population & Steets of Garnerville City, New York, you need to know what you can find there. Below you will find a list of the cities that are located close to Garnerville City. You can use this list to find out about flights and other travel options from Garnerville City. Also, the list of towns is helpful for exploring the area.

When determining the population and steets in Garnerville City, it is necessary to consider the distance from each neighborhood to the nearest public transportation stops. It is estimated that residents spend 15 to 30 minutes driving one way to work. However, if you are walking to work or using public transportation, you will be able to avoid the long commute. For those who commute by car, it may be worth it to look for a neighborhood that offers public transportation.

The most common ethnic group identified by Garnerville city residents is Haitian, Dominican, Irish, and Puerto Rican. In fact, 23.9% of Garnerville residents were born outside of the United States. However, it is important to note that racial and ethnic diversity statistics are subject to change. It is important to verify the accuracy of all data provided to you. Once you have verified the demographic data, you can start planning your trip to Garnerville City.

The population of Gardnerville City, Nevada is 6.212 as of the 2020 census. There are about 190 people per square mile and a median home value of $259,950 USD. This city is located in Douglas County, and has excellent public schools. The town of Minden, Nevada has a population of 3,15k people, and the median age is 53.6. Its median household income is $57,830.