Fultonville, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Fultonville is located on the Mohawk River, part of the Erie Canal. It is connected to the Village of Fonda by a bridge. The town is served by the New York State Thruway and New York State Route 5S. Fultonville also intersects with New York State Route 30A.

Fultonville has a mixed ethnic and racial composition, with 4.07% of residents being Hispanic. The city's population includes people of 7 races, and it has a foreign-born population of 0.488%, which is lower than the national average of 13.5%. However, this number has been rising as the number of foreign-born residents in Fultonville increases.

Fultonville, NY has a high homeownership rate. Over 95% of households were U.S. citizens, and the median property value was $107,400 in 2020. Moreover, 70% of the residents of Fultonville, NY owned their homes and drove to work. The average commute time was 23.4 minutes. Lastly, the median household owned two cars.

The city of Fultonville, NY has a population of 615 people. The median household income in Fultonville is $39758, and it is home to a Free Circulating Library and Free Public Schools. These are two important economic indicators for the city.