Frewsburg, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Frewsburg, NY is 2,057, which is a decrease of -5% from the previous year. The median age of the population is 53. The average household income in Frewsburg is $49,146, which is based on an average of 832 households. The median household income in Frewsburg is the same as that of the rest of New York - $87,400.

To find out more about the population of Frewsburg, New York, check the census data for that city. The New York state census shows a list of all cities in the state. Frewsburg is in the 75th percentile. To compare the population of this city to that of other cities in New York, use the New York Census Data Comparison Tool. The data is easy to interpret and use.

The demographics of the town are detailed in the US Census. The population is made up of 61.1 percent of white people, 12.3% of black people, 5.4% of Asians, 17.8% of Hispanics, and 2.6% of other races. The median age is forty years old. The most common ancestry in Frewsburg is English, Swedish, and Italian. Slovak and Scandinavian people are among the highest concentrations of ethnic groups in the city.