Fort Salonga, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What are the Demographics for Fort Salonga City, New York? Fort Salonga's population is comprised of 98.6% US citizens, lower than the national average. In Fort Salonga, New York, 14.6% of people are considered to be below the poverty level. In Fort Salonga, divorce rates are lower than the national average, at 9.8%, and at 8.7% in New York.

Fort Salonga is home to several wealthy individuals. Residents are 3.5% wealthier than the national average. Fort Salonga real estate tends to maintain its value over time. Most of Fort Salonga's residences were built between 1940 and 1969, with a few built later. Most residents are owner occupied and drive high-end luxury vehicles. Fort Salonga's vacancy rate is only 2.4%, compared to 86.0% for all U.S. neighborhoods. Because of this, the neighborhood has a tight housing supply compared to the high demand for houses.

There are many cultures and languages in Fort Salonga, NY. The most common languages in the Fort Salonga neighborhood include English, Spanish, and German/Yiddish. Fort Salonga residents use a variety of modes of transportation to get to and from work, including walking, public transportation, and riding bikes. Those in Fort Salonga with cars spend more than 30 minutes commuting to work each way.

Human population is predominantly Caucasian. Middle class housing and business areas are mostly Caucasian. The Black population is significant, but the minority is still fairly minor in comparison to the overall population. Nonetheless, the human population is a bit larger than the average for the U.S. and the state. There have been two tornadoes in the area, a category F4 in 1989 that injured forty people and caused damages of between $50 million and $500 million. The other tornado occurred at a distance of 15.0 miles from the center of the city.