Fort Ann, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're considering marketing to the local market in Fort Ann, New York, you might want to know the demographics of the people living there. The area includes 103.6% whites, 5.8% blacks, and 0.1% Asians. Fort Ann is home to a median household income of $48,529, and a high school graduation rate of 70%. The population of Fort Ann is also a good match for your local advertising campaign, as many of the people here live there.

When it comes to sex, you can't have a discussion about age and gender without mentioning Fort Ann's population. The population of Fort Ann is 283 people of voting age. That number reflects the fact that the average age of its residents is 39.4 years. That's not too shabby either. Fort Ann is located in New York. Approximately 13.2% of its citizens are 65 years or older.

The racial makeup of Fort Ann is diverse. About 2.4% of Fort Ann's people identify as African-American, 0.9% are Hispanic, and 0.9% are Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander. A significant portion of the population is white, with only 0.3% identifying as two or more races. Fort Ann's poverty rate is 3.4%. Compared to other cities, however, Fort Ann is 12.4% smaller than its neighboring communities.