Fishkill, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What's the Population & Steets in Fishkkill City? In Fishkill, NY, most people commute by car, while a small percentage use public transportation. This chart shows how many people work in each sector and how often they commute, along with a breakdown by mode of transportation. This data comes from the US Census Bureau and is updated annually. It does not guarantee accuracy. The data is representative of the population of Fishkill, NY, so there may be some outliers.

The median age of the population of Fishkill, NY was 44.4 years old in 2019, while the median age of foreign-born residents was 49 years old. Overall, the residents of Fishkill are getting older. The median age was 44 years old in 2018, while the median age for all residents was 44 in 2018. The majority of foreign-born residents of Fishkill, NY were from China, the Dominican Republic, and Jamaica. Overall, there are seven races in Fishkill.

The Village of Fishkill City is part of the Fishkill National Register of Historic Places, which contains 127 buildings. This district is located on Route 9, where you can find Sam's Club, Home Depot, and Westage Business Center. Other notable buildings include the Dutch Reformed Church, Fishkill Methodist Church, and Van Wyck Village Hall. The Village is home to many medical services and large-scale shopping opportunities.