Feura Bush, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When choosing a community to advertise in, you should know its demographics. The city of Feura Bush has 107.1% white residents and only 0.5% black and Hispanic residents. Depending on which demographic you're targeting, you might consider home ownership rates, median income, and percentage of residents with college degrees. As a result, the population of Feura Bush is not a bad place to live if you're looking for a family-friendly neighborhood.

The crime rate in Feura Bush is 7.51 crimes per thousand people. The most dangerous areas are shown in red, while the safest areas are in yellow. The crime rate in Feura Bush is weighted by type of crime. A city with an A+ grade has lower crime rates than a city of similar size. Because crime rates differ so much, Feura Bush is in the 98th percentile. Only 2% of cities are safer, while 98% of cities are much more dangerous.

The majority of residents in Feura Bush are college graduates. In fact, 68% of residents in Feura Bush have a bachelor's degree or higher. Meanwhile, 36% hold a master's, professional, or doctorate degree. Similarly, there are a wide range of occupations in Feura Bush, including retail, restaurant, and restaurant work. The language most commonly spoken is English, while French, German, and Italian are important languages for the community.