Farnham, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When looking for population statistics for a city, it can be helpful to look at the ancestry of the residents. As of 2019, 78.4% of residents in Farnham drove alone to work, a figure that varies slightly from year to year. The chart shows the proportion of households that drive alone to work and displays the buckets in which car ownership is most common. In other words, Farnham is a predominantly car-dependent community.

While you might think of the big cities, if you're looking for a quieter place to live, Farnham is still within easy reach of a large city. The city's location is convenient for travelers who need to connect with the city via a major airport. Otherwise, you can look up flights to nearby towns in order to get a feel for how close a particular city is to Farnham.

Despite being a small town in Surrey, Farnham has many uses. There are many parks, museums, and restaurants, and the city's population and steeps are constantly changing. Whether you're a homebody, a student, or a businessperson, there is something for you in Farnham. If you're planning a move, consider the population statistics in Farnham.

Besides the population, the town is home to numerous historic sites. Saxon texts are documented throughout Farnham and many local names are derived from this language. There is a Saxon site in the city, the Saxon Croft road, which is on the lower end of Firgrove Hill. In 1924, archaeologists discovered Saxon weaving huts that date back to the fifth century.