Farmersville Station, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The current population and steets in Farmersville Station are displayed below. You can also find out how many people live in Farmersville Station City and nearby towns. The following list is useful if you are planning a trip to Farmersville Station. Using this list will help you find things to do in the area and learn about the community. Alternatively, you can search for cities that are 100 miles away from Farmersville Station.

The rates of property crime in Farmersville Station City vary by neighborhood. The southwest part of the city is known to have higher crime rates than the east part. It is important to note that the rates may appear higher if you are visiting Farmersville Station during the day. Many crimes take place in retail areas, so the red portion of the map may not be as dangerous for residents as it appears. For this reason, it is always best to check the crime rate in the area before moving into a home.

The zip code for Farmersville Station City is 14060. It is located in Cattaraugus County, New York. This zip code is designated by the USPS as Farmersville Station. The default name of the city is Farmersville Station. Locals call the city by this default name. The ZIP code can be copied in the following format: