Elmsford, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are considering moving to Elmsford, New York, you need to know the Population & Steets in Elfsford City. The following information will provide you with details about the city. You can also get an idea of the cost of living in Elmsford. However, you should remember that a lot of these statistics are not reliable and are only for general information. To make the right decision, you should know more about the city's demographics.

The ZIP Code for Elmsford is 10523. It is a part of Westchester County, New York, United States. The official name of the zip code is ELMSFORD, New York. The ZIP Code also has an extension of ELMSFORD. This area has a population of approximately 5000 residents and is expected to grow to 200,000 by 2020. The population of Elmsford is estimated to be 5,193 people.

The ZIP code 10523 includes 1,670 people. Of these, 1,618 were households with children under 18. The remaining 45.3% of households were composed of married couples. A small percentage of households (32%) were non-families, and 6.8% of residents lived alone. The percentage of vacancies is very low. In addition, the median family income is more than $95,000.