Ellenburg Depot, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following information provides an overview of the population and steets of Ellenburg Depot City, Virginia. The data is based on a recent census. It should be considered as an indication of the neighborhood's safety. The city's violent crime rate is relatively low compared to other Virginia cities. While the city is home to a few violent crimes, it's not considered a high-crime area.

There are seven hundred seventy six households in Ellenburg Depot, NY. About a quarter of these households earn $10,000 or more per year. Another quarter make $50,000 or more. This number is low when compared to the state of New York or the country. Eighty-one percent of the population is white, while only 3.5% are black or Hispanic. The city also has a high percentage of high school graduates.

The town's municipal website offers a number of resources for residents. It includes information on local links, important forms, and a history of the city. The 2010 census reported that the town had a population of 1743. It's located in the western section of Clinton County near Plattsburg. A large portion of the town is located in the Adirondack Park. If you're looking for the latest information on Ellenburg, New York, visit the town's municipal website.

The quality of a city is dependent on its proportion of educated residents. An educated population means the city has more potential for economic growth. Women's proportion of educated citizens is lower than that of men, but the higher the percentage, the better. According to the 2010 Census, 296.0% of the population of Ellenburg Depot, NY is high school educated, while 43.9% have master's or doctoral degrees.