Ellenburg Center, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following information will help you understand the Population & Steets of Ellenburg Center City, New York. This information is useful when deciding whether or not to move to the area. The list below shows cities that are within 43 miles of Ellenburg Center, NY. These cities range in size from small towns to large cities. You can also use this information to determine which cities are the closest to Ellenburg Center.

The population of Ellenburg Center includes a mix of ethnic groups, with 56% of residents having a college degree or higher. Around 28% of the population is Hispanic, making the community a diverse one. Home ownership is also a factor, as it can influence local advertising and demographics. Overall, the average household income in the area is $43,977, while the median household income is $53,997. The area's 71% high school graduation rate is another indicator that the local population is well-educated and employed.

The town is bordered by New York State Route 11 and U.S. Route 190, which runs east-west through Ellenburg. New York State Route 374 crosses the southwest corner of town. Ellenburg is a small town in Clinton County, with a population of 1,743.