East Springfield, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking for information on East Springfield City, Massachusetts, you've come to the right place. Here are the population and steets statistics for this city. By looking at the city's data, you'll be able to see if this city is like others in its area. The population of East Springfield is fairly diverse, as you'll see from the tables and maps below.

While the population of Springfield is more integrated and has achieved greater socioeconomic success than in previous decades, the race divide persists. Springfield's black infant mortality rate is higher than in the state of Illinois and Chicago. Even the Director of Health is baffled as to why the disparity is so great. Despite the progress made in the last 20 years, the city's black population is still significantly lower than that of whites.

The city is home to the headquarters of several companies, including Positronic, Bass Pro Shops, and John Q. Hammons Hotels & Resorts. Two major American Christian denominations also have their headquarters in Springfield. Among these organizations, the St. Andrew's Lutheran Church and the First Presbyterian Church of Springfield are the most prominent. The University of Missouri Springfield is located nearby and is home to two major universities.

The city has a lively arts and music scene. It also has many recreational opportunities, including college and minor league sports. Visitors can check out annual festivals along Commercial and Walnut streets, including the Birthplace of Route 66 Festival and Artsfest. During the summer, the city hosts the Tent Theatre, a popular summer tradition where actors like John Goodman once performed. The Tent Theatre was also the home of Springfield's famous student actors.