East Schodack, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

How dangerous is the city of East Schodack? Crimes occur in every city, and some areas are more dangerous than others. The population of East Schodack is relatively low, as is the number of crimes per square mile. In East Schodack, there are a few crimes per thousand people, and crime rates are lower than the national average. Crimes are less common in East Schodack than they are in other cities in the area.

The population of East Schodack is comprised of 192 people in total. The population is split between married couples and single individuals. There are fewer than twenty-one-year-olds than older adults. One in every eight adults is over sixty-nine, and the remaining population is between thirty-four and seventy-nine years old. The city also has several nonfamily households, and it ranks among the youngest in the state.

The area's racial makeup is fairly diverse. The city has a fairly low percentage of Native Americans. Only 3.2% of residents are Hispanic. The overall population of East Schodack is comprised of whites, blacks, and Hispanics. Interestingly, the majority of residents are Hispanic, and only one in five are Native Americans. Despite this, there are still a number of Asians and blacks living in East Schodack.

The percentage of non-citizens is also low. The city has a median age of forty-three, while the region has the lowest percentage. The median age of non-citizens is 45.3. The city is ranked #1 in the greater Schodack area when it comes to population. This is indicative of its high percentage of immigrants and unmarried children.