East Pharsalia, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You may be interested in knowing the Population & Steets in East-Pharsalia City, NY. These numbers may help you plan a trip or explore the area around the city. Use the list below to find cities within a hundred miles of East Pharsalia, NY. You will be able to find more information about each city by browsing the links below.

The map below shows the racial composition of East Pharsalia by neighborhood. The darker colors represent areas with a larger racial majority. It also displays diversity scores and racial demographics. This information is especially useful if you're considering moving to a different part of town. For example, the German Four Corners neighborhood has the highest rate of Finnish ancestry residents in East Pharsalia.

The German Four Corners neighborhood of East Pharsalia is particularly unique because it's mostly unpopulated. Only 0.9% of residents in this neighborhood speak Native American languages at home. This makes this neighborhood the quietest and least crowded in the United States. Those living in this neighborhood may enjoy a relatively low cost of living compared to other areas of the city or the state.