East Moriches, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Currently, the Population & Steets in East-Moriches, New York are listed below. These numbers are based on the 2010 census, and they show that 99.2% of East Moriches residents are U.S. citizens. According to the census, the median home value in East Moriches was $441,000, and 82.3% of residents were homeowners. In addition, in the 2010 census, the majority of commuters in East Moriches, NY were alone, and the average commute was 28.5 minutes. Listed below are the demographics of the population and steets of East Moriches, NY.

Population & Steets in East-Moriches City: This city in New York is a small town, but there are many things to consider when moving to this town. Climate, job opportunities, community, and population makeup are all important factors to consider. For those who want to learn more about the population and lifestyle in East-Moriches, NY, Dwellics is a great place to start. It has data on over 50,000 cities in the U.S., and it can recommend the perfect place for you.

The average income per household in East-Moriches is $62,728. This city is home to 2 high schools and 2 elementary schools. Its median household income is $89,037. The median rent burden in East-Moriches City is 18.0%, which is lower than the state-wide average of 32.2%. In addition, it is less affordable than neighboring cities.