East Freetown, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

For people interested in knowing more about Freetown, Massachusetts, this article will help. The city is densely populated with more than one million people and covers 138 square miles. Its population is mainly made up of homeowners and renters. The average age of Freetown residents is 43.4, with nearly two-thirds of residents being over 45. The area is also home to several brooks and streams, including Fall Brook, Quaker Brook, and Rattler Brook.

The population of Freetown is aging, and the town is becoming more diverse. More single-person households are rising in size, and households headed by a female rose by 25%. Freetown's population also reflects the country's aging trend, with a 52% increase in older adults. About 64% of households are headed by a married couple. The average Freetown family has three members.

Freetown should consider increasing the density of existing housing units. It may also consider rezoning areas that are more suitable for development. For example, there are many unused, under-1.6-acre lots in Assonet Bay Shores. These lots should be rezoned. If Freetown were to increase their density, it would be beneficial for all residents. By increasing density, Freetown could attract more residents while preserving the character of existing neighborhoods.

The people of Freetown, Sierra Leone, are predominantly white. The population is mostly white, and includes an extremely high proportion of women and children in their late 20s and early 40s. The proportion of children below the age of 18 is slightly higher than the national average. The study area is mostly an informal settlement, characterized by overcrowding and low-quality housing. Flooding in the area is common and causes many deaths every year.