Dover Plains, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Dover Plains, New York, is a city in the U.S., and its population is made up mainly of whites. However, there are also a large number of people who identify as black. While the majority of Dover Plains citizens are white, only 12% are African American. A little over a quarter of the city's residents identify as Hispanic, while 2.6% identify as a person of other race. People are asked to report their ancestry on the census, and the most common ancestry is Irish, American, or German. The English language is also common, but not as prevalent as Spanish, French, or Italian.

Dover Plains is an historic center located at the mouth of the Hudson River in New York. The climate of the city is temperate year-round, with August, July, and June as the most pleasant months for outdoor activities. The most uncomfortable month is January. New York, which is the fourth largest metro area in the United States, includes the island of Manhattan and eight counties directly north. Western Long Island and Staten Island are also part of the New York metropolitan area. The city has a population of approximately 1,054 residents.

Dover Plains is home to a large number of individuals who work in math, computers, and other knowledge-based professions. The city also has a large percentage of telecommuters, largely knowledge-based professionals and people who run their own small businesses from home. While the number of immigrants in Dover Plains, NY is small, it's important to note that the percentage of foreign-born residents in this area is much lower than the national average.