Cold Brook, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population and steets of Cold Brook City, Massachusetts are not always easy to find. You can find more information by checking out the links below. You'll find out how many people live in the city, as well as how many are in the surrounding areas. Also, you'll see a map of the city's ethnic composition. The map below shows the racial makeup of Cold Brook. Compared to other cities in Massachusetts, Cold Brook is higher in racial diversity than the national average.

In 2019 the population of Cold Brook was 289 people, with a median age of 30.4. Its median household income was $32,500. The racial makeup of Cold Brook is 94.9% White (Non-Hispanic), 12.9% Black or African American (Non-Hispanic), and 0.3% Hispanic. One-fifth of Cold Brook residents live below the poverty line, and 35.3% of Cold Brook families live below the poverty line. However, the percentage of non-English-speaking residents in Cold Brook, NY is extremely low, and it is also notable that only 0.7% of Cold Brook residents speak a language other than English at home.

The ZIP code for Cold Brook is 13324. The city is in Herkimer County, and the official postal code is COLD BROOK, NY. The city has a default name, which most people use when addressing mails. This ZIP code can be used to copy mail using the following address format: