Coeymans Hollow, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The city of Coeymans Hollow, New York has a total population of 934 residents. About half are households with married couples; the rest are nonfamily households. The average age of a Coeymans Hollow resident is 37.3 years, while the median age for a woman is 38.5 years old. There are about 3,290 births and 2,960 deaths per year. About 931 people are of one race, while 3 people belong to two or more races.

The census data on population in Coeymans Hollow City is useful for assessing the area's education level. This measure tells you how many people in Coeymans Hollow have the highest educational level. This can help you make decisions about the environment in which your kids will be educated and the job markets in which they will be placed. The city's total school enrollment in 2014 was 83,713, with 93,933 elementary-school students and 28,316 high-school students.

The town is located in Albany County, New York. The population of Coeymans was 7,305 at the 2010 census, and it's expected to grow to about seven thousand by 2020. The town is a safe, suburban community with average school attendance. Most residents own their homes, and the area has a strong business community. The town also has above-average public schools.