Clark Mills, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When you look at Clark Mills City, you will see that there are some interesting statistics and data about its people. The city has a population of 2,139 people, and the median household income is $52,222. However, one important statistic is the poverty rate, which is 4.7%. You can learn more about the economic status of people in Clark Mills City by reading the information below. You may be surprised to know that this city is surrounded by poverty!

The USPS estimates that the population of Clark Mills will reach 20,000 by 2020. This number is higher than the state average, which is about twenty-four percent. However, the city has much lower unemployment rates than the state average, so you should consider this when evaluating housing affordability. The area has a relatively low rent burden. Compared to neighboring cities such as Whitesboro and Mohawk, Clark Mills has a lower rent burden than the state average.

When it comes to the languages spoken in Clark Mills, English is the most common language. In fact, 96.1% of Clark Mills residents speak English exclusively or very well. Of that percentage, 86.6% of the population speaks only English, and 91.5% speaks it very well. The rest speak other languages, but English is the predominant language. This makes Clark Mills a liberal outpost.