Caneadea, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

To help you with your research, we have prepared a map that shows the population and steets of Caneadea City. Using the map, you can see the percentage of racial diversity in the city. The darker the shade, the more people of that racial group live in that area. We also include data on how many crimes are committed in Caneadea City per 1,000 residents.

Caneadea City has a relatively low crime rate, which is a good thing for families. The public school system is quite good, and most residents are college-educated. Many residents live in single-family homes, which offer lots of space for children to play. In addition, this area has a low crime rate, making it a great place for families with young children.

Caneadea's overall population is 2,233. It's the sixth most populous community in Allegany County, making up just 0.1% of the state's population. Compared to the state of New York, Caneadea is 783rd most populated. Its 2010 Census population decreased 5.64% from its 2000 census estimate of 2,694 residents.

Caneadea's residents belong to a wide variety of ethnic groups. Most residents report being White, Native American, or German, and they also report being of Polish or Italian descent. Among other racial groups, the majority of the people in Caneadea speak English, Polish, and Italian. Moreover, the median age for both men and women is 22.5, making Caneadea a perfect place for people of different nationalities.