Cadosia, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking for information on the population and steets of Cadosia City, New York, then this article will provide you with the information you need. There are three major cities within 100 miles of Cadosia City, including: Hancock, Wilmington, and Union. All of these cities have similar characteristics and are close in proximity to Cadosia. Here is a map of Cadosia, New York.

This town was settled in 1874 and was the terminus of the Delaware and Northern Railroad's Andes Branch. The plant was originally used to burn sixty cords of wood a day to produce charcoal. Later, it was added to a refinery to produce wood alcohol. It eventually closed its doors in the 1930s. The town also had a thriving dairy industry. Cadosia is located on the Delaware River.

The population of Cadosia City was spread out. There were 1 390 households with children under the age of 18. The rest were married couples. One percent of households was composed of women without husbands. The remainder were non-families. And fifteen percent were senior citizens living alone. The median age of the population was 42 years old. Males outnumbered females 99.4:1 and males outnumbered females by 99.4:1.