Barryville, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Population & Steets in Barrysville City is estimated at 1,238. The total number of residents is divided by age, with 232 people under the age of 20. These people are comprised of 120 males and 112 females. Those 18 years and older make up the rest of the population. This city has a very large number of immigrants, which is why the average age of residents is 57.

Although crime is not particularly high in Barryville, it does appear high in some parts of the city. For example, in the southeast area, the population is low, while it's high in the western part of the city. It is difficult to compare crime rates across city boundaries, but a simple crime map will show you that the west part of the city has fewer crimes than the south, and vice versa.

The median household income in Barryville City is $59,485. This is higher than the national average and other nearby ZIP codes. As a result, the city is a relatively wealthy area. Although the average household income is low, there is a high number of singles in Barryville City. The median age of residents in Barryville is about 36 years old, and they are mostly white. There are a high percentage of singles and small families. There are very few children under 18. The vacancy rate in Barryville is also high, with only one vacant house for every eight homes in the city.

If you want to learn more about the history of the city, you can visit the historical sites that are part of it. For instance, the D&H Canal was built in 1828. The canal carried coal from Pennsylvania to New York City. The Delaware and Hudson Canal was also constructed in Barryville. Eventually, the village grew into a thriving commercial area. Eventually, the population had reached 300. It was then time for a bridge over the Delaware River.