Auriesville, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

How safe is Auriesville? You can get an idea of safety in the city by comparing the crime rate with the crime rate in other nearby cities. Below is a table comparing the overall crime rate in Auriesville to that of nearby cities. You can compare crime rates in different categories and find out the safest city in Auriesville. The table also compares the crime rate in different cities of similar overall population.

The population of Auriesville is composed of a mixture of black, white, and Hispanic residents. Approximately 28264 households had children under the age of 18. Another twenty-seven percent were headed by a married couple. The rest were headed by a single woman. Another thirty-five percent were non-families. Finally, 10.8% of the city's households were headed by a senior citizen.

The average age of residents was 38.3 years. The median age was 38.3 years. The gender distribution was 48.9% male and 51.1% female. The median household income was $53,772. The average per capita income was $26,605. The poverty rate was 6.9%. Of the households, 16.2% were under the age of 18 while nine percent were over the age of sixty-five.