Annandale, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The U.S. Census Bureau released its latest demographic statistics for Annandale City, Virginia. This census provides information such as the median age, gender breakdown, and race and ethnicity. Please note, that these statistics are from the most recent data available, and may not be 100% accurate. Please refer to the U.S. Census Bureau website to confirm the accuracy of this information. To view the latest Annandale City, Virginia demographics, please use the link below.

The population of Annandale, NJ is made up of 91.9% white citizens, 17.9% black residents, and 4.0% Asian people. Hispanic people comprise 7.4% of the population. To understand your target audience, it is important to look at the median income and home ownership rate. The median household income is $110,858 while the average household is $135,693. The area is overwhelmingly white, with a high school graduation rate of 68.8%. College graduates make up 24% of the population.

Compared to other cities in the region, Annandale has the highest percentage of immigrants. Despite the low rate of immigrants, the city has one of the highest percentages of married couples in the Midwest. Overall, Annandale is a welcoming place for immigrants. But residents should be aware of the high cost of living. As a result, this community may not be for everyone. So, if you're interested in the city of Annandale, be sure to check out its demographics.