Tularosa, New Mexico Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're interested in the demographics of a city, you're in luck. You can now learn about the Population & Steets in Tularosa City! The population of Tularosa is 2,944 people, with 54.2% males and 45.8% females. In comparison, the New Mexico and U.S. averages for per capita income are 49.4% to 50.8%.

The population of Tularosa City is made up of both men and women. The city has a large Hispanic population and a low number of white residents. About one-third of the population is Hispanic or Latino, and the remaining third is white. The median age in Tularosa City is 34. The median household size is 2.57, and the percentage of households with children is 11.7%.

The Tularosa Basin Historical Society has a museum located in the city. The museum features a collection of artifacts from the region, including the famous 47-star US Flag. It's the only place in the country where such a flag was produced for a single month! You can also find a wide selection of local history books in the museum. The Tularosa Basin Historical Society also publishes its Pioneer series, which focuses on the history of the area.