Taos Ski Valley, New Mexico Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to know the population and steets of the Taos Ski Valley City, you should start with the statistics of the city. Taos is located in the upper Rio Grande Valley, a region that blends history and nature, and it also boasts a less artificial atmosphere than the state capital. While the architecture of Taos is not particularly aesthetically pleasing, it is appropriate for its rugged setting.

The population of Taos Ski Valley, NM is expected to reach 79 people in 2020, up from 56 people in 2010. As of the 2010 census, this city has a median house value of $608,300. The median rent is - per month, and the median house value is $608,300. The median age is 61, and the median household income is $63,036.

The population of Taos Ski Valley, NM is made up of people from various races and sexes. The most common racial groups living below the poverty line are White, Black, and Native American. The poverty line for families is based on money income, which varies by family size and composition. If a family's income is less than this threshold, they are considered to be living below the poverty line.

Among Taos Ski Valley's occupations, management occupations and other related fields are the most prevalent. Sales and related occupations make up the lowest percentage of the workforce. There are four ski areas: Taos Ski Valley, Red River, Sipapu, and Angel Fire. In addition to skiing, Taos Ski Valley offers other winter activities including snowmobiling, hot air ballooning, and horseback riding.