Springer, New Mexico Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What are the Population & Steets in Springler City? The population of Springer is approximately 1,051 and the median household income is $31,250. This means that Springer is a relatively affordable place to live. However, poverty rates are high, so it's important to know what they are before deciding to relocate to Springer City. To get a good feel for Springer's population, it's helpful to look up other cities and towns nearby.

While Asians are more concentrated in the city center, Blacks are more prevalent and appear to have older buildings. Blacks are the highest percentage of the city's population, while Hispanics are found in less populated areas, such as the suburban, wastelands, and older brick streets. In addition, many Asians live in the city's downtown and commute to the rest of the city on highways.