San Juan Pblo, New Mexico Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following article describes the Population & Steets in San Pedro Pblo City. Before you make your visit to San Juan, Puerto Rico, you should know the basics of the city. This article includes information on the history of the city and its population. Also, you should know where to find the best food in San Juan. The city's population is estimated at 290,617.

In San Juan, Puerto Rico, the median age is 44.3 years old. The median household income is $23,045. In terms of racial diversity, households with incomes below the threshold are considered impoverished. The majority of households are Hispanic, followed by White and Other. Only 0.867% of households do not speak English. Overall, this is a relatively safe place to live.

The Old San Juan district was originally built as a military stronghold. The Old San Juan district has over 400 restored colonial buildings. The district is a major center for local tourism, attracting many tourists. It has fine beaches, gambling casinos, and an exotic tropical climate. Its flag is composed of a San Juan the Baptist coat of arms on a white field. Throughout the city, there are plenty of attractions to keep tourists entertained.

The population of San Juan, PR is diverse and has many cultural backgrounds. The majority of the population is Hispanic or Latino. The population is diverse, but there is a high percentage of military personnel. If you're planning a trip to San Juan, PR, you'll want to know more about the demographics of the city. There is plenty to explore! You might be surprised at the number of military personnel in San Juan.