San Jon, New Mexico Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of San Jon City is relatively educated, with 80.0% of residents having a bachelor's degree or higher. Twenty-seven percent of the population works in the service industry, with only 18.7% working in blue-collar jobs. The remaining 53% are employed in white-collar roles. This gives a good idea of the demographic makeup of the area. If you're interested in learning more about the area, you can read the following Population & Steets in San Jon City.

The most common racial or ethnic group in San Jon is white. There are also a small percentage of black or Asian individuals. Another large percentage of the population is Hispanic, at 22.0%. The median household income is $36,100. The average household income is $44,174. Residents have a high school graduation rate of 77%. The Census Bureau provides a comprehensive list of statistics on income and racial and ethnic groups living in San Jon.

The city's population is comprised of 153 people. The median household income is $32,500, which is higher than the national average of $23,500. The area's low poverty rate is 2.9%, compared to the average of 21.8% across the country. A large percentage of the population lives below the poverty line, but the poverty rate in San Jon is still below the national average. And a large majority of the residents of San Jon are in the labor force, with only 4.7% of households living below the poverty line.