Cerrillos, New Mexico Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When looking at the diversity of Cerrillos City, New Mexico, one of the first things to note is that the majority race in the area is Other. This means that the population of this city is much more diverse than the national average, which is 14.1%. The racial makeup of this city is represented by its percentage of non-citizens, which includes legal permanent residents, foreign students, temporary workers, humanitarian migrants, and illegal immigrants.

The population of Cerrillos City increased dramatically as the railroad reached the area. Within a few years, the area grew to include two-story schools, twenty saloons, five meat markets, a bakery, barbershop, two livery stables, a newspaper, and two churches. In addition to the main rail line, the town also had a Catholic and Methodist church. The city was also home to the "Little Pittsburgs," a baseball team that was famous in the area.

There are a few open businesses in Cerrillos, such as the Casa Grande Trading Post and the What Not Shop. The Trading Post offers Cerrillos turquoise, which was made and mined by the Brown family. Another antique store, the "What Not Shop," is located in the old mining district. The town also features a restored saloon, an art gallery, and riding stables. The Saint Joseph Church was built in 1922, and is still active. The original Santa Fe Railroad dam continues to provide water for the village.

Quality of life can vary depending on the person. Some people want a walkable neighborhood, while others prefer suburban living. Other home buyers want to live close to a place where they can use public transportation and walk to do everything. A good walkable neighborhood offers convenience, while a lack of a bike-friendly neighborhood can discourage residents from buying a home there. The population of Cerrillos City, New Mexico is relatively healthy, and it has many opportunities for residents to stay active.