Arroyo Hondo, New Mexico Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What's the Population & Steets of Arroyo Hondo City? It's a census-designated place in Taos County, New Mexico. As of the 2010 census, the city had a population of 474. Find out how many people live in Arroyo Hondo by reading below. And keep reading for more information! Hopefully, you'll enjoy this brief overview of the city's population and demographics.

The crime rate in Arroyo Hondo City is relatively low, but there are some things to consider. Arroyo Hondo is near many major airports and parks. As such, the crime rate may appear high, but few people live near these locations. While the crime rate may appear high, keep in mind that crime is likely to occur wherever people congregate. That means that even in a relatively safe city, there's a risk of crime.

The population of Arroyo Hondo is diverse. The city's population is 51 percent female and 59.7% Hispanic/Latino, which is higher than the national average. The majority of its residents speak Spanish at home, with 35.9% speaking Spanish as their primary language. The majority of the city's citizens are White, with 7.6% of the population being of African descent. But there's a good chance that the community's minority population is more prevalent than you might think.

To find out how many people live in Arroyo Hondo, you can use AreaVibes' interactive Arroyo Hondo map. Arroyo Hondo is located in Los Angeles County. To use the map, click on the desired city and then select the zoom level. You can also zoom in or out of the map, so that you can view the map as a larger or smaller size.