Wyckoff, New Jersey Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you interested in learning more about the Population & Steets of Wyckoff City? Read on to discover how many people live there and how diverse the community is. Wyckoff is a largely white community with a mix of ethnic groups. The township is also home to Italians, Germans, Irish, and other minorities. Its predominant languages are English, German, and Spanish.

There are numerous airports in the nearby area, including two major airports. You may also want to consider flying into a nearby city. For instance, if you live in Wyckoff, you can look for flights to New York City or Philadelphia. The distance between these two cities is about seven miles. If you have a lot of luggage, you can choose a nearby airport instead. Then you can fly from Wyckoff to another city four hours away.

Before the township was named Wyckoff, Native Americans inhabited the area. They spoke the Munsee dialect of Algonquian. The name Sicomac means "resting place for the departed" and "happy hunting ground." The area contains numerous Native American burial grounds and was even named for one of the schools in the city. Though most Native Americans had left the area, a small group still lived near Clinton Avenue until 1939.

The school district of Wyckoff City is comprised of five schools. Pre-kindergarten through eighth grade students attend Wyckoff Avenue School. There are 176.0 classroom teachers in the school system. The district was formed in 1954 and has two high schools: Ramapo High School and Indian Hills High School. All three schools offer excellent education. Its school population is approximately 1,992 students. The school district also has a high-speed train station.