Seaside Heights, New Jersey Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Seaside Heights, NJ is around 2,885 people, with a median household income of $33,958. The area's population is primarily White, with about 27% of the total population being Hispanic. There are a variety of different demographics within this city, including the percentage of white residents and the rate of poverty. This article will cover these details and more.

The city of Seaside Heights is located in New Jersey, at the mouth of the Hudson River. The most pleasant months are June, September, and May, while January and February are the coldest. The city is part of the New York metropolitan area, which is the largest in the country. The metropolitan area includes Manhattan and the eight counties to its north. It is also one of the richest places to live in America.

The U.S. Census Bureau recently released the latest data for the city, including its population demographics. This data is based on the American Community Survey (ACS) data, which updates this information every year. While the data is accurate, there is no guarantee that it will stay that way. To keep this information current, be sure to check with the U.S. Census Bureau. You can use it to check how many people live in Seaside Heights.

The median age of residents of Seaside Heights, NJ is 37.8%. This percentage includes both natives and foreigners. In 2017, this percentage was only 82.3%, and has been steadily increasing. Compared to its neighboring cities, this figure is still slightly lower. The area's rent burden is 40.5%, compared to 42.4% in neighboring cities. Lastly, the area has a high percentage of veterans, with many of them serving in Vietnam.