River Edge, New Jersey Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the population of River Edge City? What is its racial makeup? How many people live below the federal poverty line? What is its median income? These are the questions you need answered before you decide whether or not to move to River Edge. You can learn more about the people and their income in River Edge by checking out the Census Bureau's list of local poverty levels. Listed below are the racial and economic characteristics of the city.

The median property value in River Edge, NJ is $520,800, which is two and a half times the national average of $240,500. River Edge has an excellent homeownership rate (75.9%), higher than the national average of 64.1%. The median commute time is 34 minutes, and most residents commute alone to work. There are two cars per household, which is slightly less than the national average.

In New Jersey, the county is governed by a county executive who is directly elected. The seven-member Bergen County Board of County Commissioners (formerly the Board of Chosen Freeholders) are elected at-large in partisan elections. Two to three seats are up for election each year. The county clerk is the other elected official. The primary highway in River Edge is County Route 503, which passes through the city.

These three zones represent different economic strata. In the central city, zone B is a concentric circle of formerly wealthy homes divided into cheap apartments for immigrants. Small businesses and pawnshops are also located in this zone. Working-class and ethnic enclaves are located in zone C. Lastly, zone D is home to white-collar workers and wealthy families. And zone E contains upscale estates.