Paulsboro, New Jersey Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to find out more about the population and steets of Paulsboro City, NJ, then read on. We've collected information on the town's past, present, and future. The following are some interesting facts about the town. While the population of Paulsboro is currently only around 450, that number is expected to grow in the next few years. There are several historical landmarks in the city, as well as many other buildings that are worth visiting.

Paulsboro is located in southeastern Pennsylvania, near the New Jersey border. It was the nation's first capital and cultural center. The city has flourished as a manufacturing and port, and today is a hub of industry. Paulsboro is home to the renowned Gill Memorial, which was built in 1892. The city is also home to several notable people, including Edwin H. Simmons, a military historian and former professional wrestler. Other notable residents of the city include Isaac F. Hughes, a Los Angeles City Council member, Joan Weber, Russell Carter, and Valvin Roane.

The population of Paulsboro City, NJ is estimated to reach 6,206 in 2020. It is the 278th most populous community in New Jersey. The median rent in the city is $1,012 per month, and the median house value is $127,000. Paulsboro's median age is 42.4 years, and its percentage of hispanics is 7.3%. Residents of Paulsboro live in one neighborhood, which is called Paulsboro.