North Caldwell, New Jersey Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Population and Steets in North Caldwell, NJ are important for understanding the demographics of a community. In North Caldwell, a majority of residents commute to work by car, but there are also some people who use public transportation, such as a trolley bus. This information is updated annually by the U.S. Census Bureau. It is important to note that the data in this article is not guaranteed to be accurate or complete.

The population of North Caldwell is comprised of a mixture of residents of different ages. The city was home to the Essex County Jail Annex until 2004, when it was consolidated with a new facility in Newark. The city is in New Jersey's 11th Congressional District, which is represented by Rodney Frelinghuysen. United States Senators Frank Lautenberg and Bob Menendez also represent the district.

The population of North Caldwell, NJ was 6.62k in 2019. The median age was 46.8 and the median household income was $187,734. The homeownership rate was 99.1%, which was higher than the national average. The majority of residents commuted to work by car, with an average commute time of thirty minutes. The average number of households owns two cars, making it comparable to the national average.

The median age of the population of North Caldwell, NJ was 46.8 years in 2019. Native-born residents were average age 46, and foreign-born residents were average age 55. The largest percentage of foreign-born residents of North Caldwell were from India and the Dominican Republic. Of the people who were 18 and older, 1.9% were veterans. For New Jersey, the veteran population is 4.8%.