Netcong, New Jersey Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Population & Steets in Netconsg City are the statistics of a community. The city has a population of 3,122 residents and its median household income is $54,659. There are no evictions in the city, and there are no homeless people, but the poverty rate is high at 8.9%. There are many places to find the information you need on the city. To get started, you can browse the map below to see the demographics of Netcong.

Currently, the majority of households in the ZIP code 07857 are renters. These homes were primarily built in the 1940s or the early 1960s. The median home value of $280,600 is high compared to the rest of the country but relatively low when compared to neighboring ZIP codes. The median rental price for a one-bedroom home is $750-$999 a month, including utilities.