Mount Tabor, New Jersey Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Get to know the population and steets of Mount Tabor City, NC. Here's some information that may surprise you. Most residents live alone and commute to work alone, but this doesn't mean that everyone walks or uses the bus. In fact, the majority of people in Mount Tabor commute to work by car. However, commuting by car in Mount Tabor City, NC is far more common than in other cities. In fact, 54.6% of people commute to work by car, which is faster than in most of the U.S.

The population of Mount Tabor is 71% owner-occupied, and the average household size is 2.3. While quality of life is extremely subjective, some home buyers prefer a more walkable city, while others want the quiet, uncrowded lifestyle that comes with a rural setting. Either way, this city has something to offer to every home buyer. There are some neighborhoods where you can walk to work and find a quiet neighborhood.

The population of Mount Tabor is only around 2,000 people, making it an outlying town for those on a budget. You'll be able to find restaurants, gas stations, and a general store, and there are plenty of outdoor activities for kids. There's no shortage of outdoor activities, and the town's most recognizable landmark is the Mount Tabor County Store. The store is renowned for its coffee.