Mc Afee, New Jersey Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

To get an idea of the population of Mc Afee City, MS, check out the following information. We have listed the cities that are closest to Mc Afee, MS, and also the nearest major airport. You can use these lists to book flights to the major cities that are close to McAfee City. Then, you can use the smaller towns and cities listed to plan your road trip.

Candler-McAfee is a mid-sized city with a population of 23,478 people. It has a density of 3,351 people per square mile. The population is 88% Black, 8% White, and 0% Asian. The median age is 40.3 years. The median household income is $41,673 and has a high school graduation rate of 79%. The city has a low unemployment rate, and is considered to be a good place to raise a family.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the population of Mc Afee City, GA is a mixed community. There were about 930 households with 32.7% of people under the age of 18, 10.7% were between the ages of 18-24, and 18.2% were non-families. There were also a small number of single people, and 3.4% of households included someone over the age of 65.