Mays Landing, New Jersey Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What's the Population & Steets of Mays Landing City, New Jersey? Find out with this quick guide! Here are the latest numbers for the Mays Landing area, including its demographics. In terms of commute times, Mays Landing, NJ employees take shorter commutes to work than the average US worker and less than half of them have "super commutes."

As of 2017, the population of Mays Landing, NJ was approximately 2.52k people. This represents a 4.82% increase over the previous year. The median property value was $182,300 and the homeownership rate was 67%. The median commute time was 25.1 minutes and the average person drove alone to work. The median household income was $65,577, -4.27% less than the national average.

The most common occupations in Mays Landing, NJ are Health Care & Social Assistance, Accommodation & Food Services, and Education. The highest-paying industries are Transportation & Warehousing & Utilities and Construction. The median household income is lower than the national average and the median household income is much lower than in the neighboring parent and neighboring geographies.