Manasquan, New Jersey Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking for more information on the population and steets of Manasquan, NJ, this article is for you. The average family has three children. The median household income is $93,200. The poverty rate is 2.8 percent. The median age is 39.5 years. Manasquan is a great place to raise a family and live a happy life.

The population and steets of Manasquan are diverse. The area includes 108.3% white residents, 0.5% blacks, and 1.2% Hispanics. The average homeowner is 4.52 years old, with 86% of residents having graduated from high school. However, it's important to keep in mind that if you're a student, you should be aware of the statistics regarding the number of college students in Manasquan.

The Census Bureau uses a set of money income thresholds to determine how much a family earns. These thresholds vary depending on family composition and size. Families with incomes below these levels are considered to be "poverty-stricken." The percentage of people living in poverty in Manasquan, NJ is highest in the Education Instruction, Library, and Management Occupations. Second-most common occupations in Manasquan are in the Sales & Related Occupations and Service Industry.

According to the census, 61.1% of the population in Manasquan is white, 12.3% is black, and 0.7% is American Indian. The other 12.3% is Asian, 17.8% is Hispanic, and 2.6% is other race. In terms of ancestry, respondents report Italian, English, and German. Estonian and German are also highly concentrated in the area.